Bring Joy. Make Music.

Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche

Founder & CEO
Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche
Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche studied media technology at the Ilmenau University of Technology. Under Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg, he completed his doctorate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology in Ilmenau together with Markus Mehnert in the field of tonal pitch space-based synthesis of music. He is the inventor of the music app Audanika, whose predecessor SoundPrism won the Thuringian Innovation Award in 2011 and has been downloaded more than two million times to date. Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche is the founder and CEO of Grace Cloud GmbH, which develops Audanika. Gabriel Gatzsche also studied theology for voluntary work and has been an ordained preacher in the Evangelical Church in Central Germany since 2017.


1998 - 2003 Studies of Media Technology at the TU Ilmenau

Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche was born in 1979 in Bad Langensalza, Thuringia. After graduating from high school, he studied media technology at the TU Ilmenau, majoring in audiovisual technology.

2003 - 2010 Fraunhofer IDMT, Dissertation

After graduating with a degree in engineering, he worked as a research assistant and software developer at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology in Ilmenau from 2003.

Gabriel's main focus here was on front-end development. One of his more extensive projects, starting in 2004, was the software development of the interface of the new directional mixer at the Bregenz lake stage. The artists' positions on stage could be followed acoustically via four large touch screens.

Während dieser Zeit schrieb Gabriels Bruder David seine Diplomarbeit. Darin zeigt er neue Möglichkeiten, Musiktheorie zu visualisieren und so Kindern einfacher zugänglich zu machen. Gabriel suchte zu dieser Zeit ein Thema für seine Dissertation und entschied sich, die Modelle seines Bruders für die maschinelle Musikerkennung einzusetzen: Die Idee: "Wenn Kinder mit diesen Modellen Musik besser verstehen, dann könnte das auch für Computer zutreffen."

However, one evening, he got the idea to combine touchscreens and tonal space models. He decided to make David's system sound and directly experienceable on touchscreens. The original topic of analyzing music based on tonal space models was taken over by Gabriel's friend and colleague Markus Mehnert.

Under their doctoral advisor Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg, one of the main developers of the MP3 standard, Gabriel Gatzsche and Markus Mehnert wrote their partner dissertation and finally submitted it to the TU Ilmenau in 2009 under the title "A contribution to the tonal space-based analysis and synthesis of musical audio signals".

2010 - 2017 Audanika GmbH, SoundPrism and Audiobus.

Mit dem iPhone und dem iPod Touch stehen seit 2007 erstmals leicht bedienbare Touchscreens allgemein zur Verfügung. Ab 2008 bietet Apple Entwicklern die Möglichkeit, eigene Apps zum Verkauf anzubieten. Zusammen mit Sebastian Dittmann arbeitet Gabriel seit 2009 an der Gründung der Audanika GmbH. Kurz nach der Einführung des iPads veröffentlichen Gabriel und Sebastian SoundPrism, welches die Ergebnisse aus Gabriel’s Dissertation einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich macht.

Economic requirements, however, force the two to generate additional income. Gabriel and Sebastian decide to invest much energy in the development of Audiobus over the next few years, together with Michael Tyson. With Audiobus, they created the first app that allows you to transfer the sound from a music app like SoundPrism directly live into a recording app like Cubasis.

2017 - 2019 Freelance Software Developer.

In the meantime, Apple has released its own systems for networking audio apps with Audio Unit Extensions and Inter-App Audio. The economic basis for a larger team is thus no longer given. As a result, in 2017, the shareholders of Audanika GmbH decided to dissolve the "Audanika" team and liquidate the company "Audanika GmbH". Gabriel and Sebastian leave Audanika GmbH and work in the free economy.

From 2019 - EXIST Scholarship & Founding of Grace Cloud GmbH.

Then, in 2019, there was an unexpected turn of events. Gabriel became part of an EXIST founding team. The team wants to develop a decentralized, networked wearable under the mentoring of Prof. Jochen Seitz from TU Ilmenau. With its help, outdoor groups are to be kept together within a radius of up to 15 km. However, Apple announced the AirTags, which anticipate such a system. Once again, the team was looking for a theme. Gabriel proposes to bring his music app know-how and apply the networking technology developed so far to digital music instruments.

Honorary Office

Gabriel studied theology for honorary ministry at the Kirchliches Fernunterricht in Neudietendorf from 2011 to 2014. From 2014 to 2016, he participated in advanced courses for preachers at the Drübeck monastery. In 2017, he was ordained as a preacher by Landesbischöffin Ilse Junkermann. As a committed Christian, Gabriel regularly holds family services in his local church. Gabriel Gatzsche ist zudem Initiator, Gründungsmitglied und stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Bach statt Krach – Gesellschaft für musische Bildung mit digitalen Medien e.V..


Gabriel cares deeply about nurturing the next generation as a husband and father of five beautiful children. Nurturing the next generation is also why Audanika has to meet pedagogical requirements as well as professional ones. Gabriel composes music, plays piano, and sings in a band.
