You just got your first smartphone and want to stand out?
Get Audanika and impress your friends with a Bach minuet played by you from the integrated song database.
You're all sitting around the campfire, and no one is saying anything? Take your smartphone and entertain everyone with a great live performance at Audanika.
Du möchtest der Liebe Deines Lebens sagen, was Du für sie empfindest? Mit der Audanika kannst Du wunderschöne Melodien komponieren und so Deinen eigenen Lovesong schreiben.
Are you and your friends bored right now? Why don't you spontaneously form a smartphone band and impress the passers-by with a cool performance?
How you can help us
We want to make the Audanika a good tool for teenagers.
You are still missing things? You have good ideas?
Please feel free to write to us.